bolu kukus kali ini rasa pandan, tapi bahannya bukan dari tepung terigu melainkan dari ubi kayu yang sudah di parut lalu diperas airnya,
bolu ubi kukus rasa pandan
bahan2 yang dibutuhkan
3 butir telur
200 gram gula pasir
vanili 1/2 sdt
TBM / SP 1/2 sdt
2, 25 gelas belimbing ubi parut yang sudah di peras airnya hingga kering.
minyak makan / margarin 50 ml
santan di campur pandan 1/2 gelas belimbing
susu bubuk 2 sendok makan
cara membuatnya
telur+gula+vanili+SP di kocok sampe kembang
setelah kembang masukkan ubi yang telah di peras sedikit demi sedikit tambahkan susu+santan+margarin / minyak aduk rata setelah tu masukkan kedalam loyang yg sudah di olesi mentega..., lalu kukus selama kurang lebih 1/2 jam
jika tidak memakai pandan tidak perlu memakai santan, cukup diganti dengan 1/2 gelas belimbing minyak makan.
selamat mencoba.... :-)
nb: sebelum memasukkan adonan ke dalam kukusan pastikan air kukusan telah mendidih
nb: sebelum memasukkan adonan ke dalam kukusan pastikan air kukusan telah mendidih
gambar ini diambil sebelum di bawa kerumah si pemesan :-)
hmmmmmmmmmmm....... in indonesian & in english
steamed cassava cakes
sponge steamed of pandan flavor this time, but the material is not from wheat flour instead of sweet wood that has been grated and squeezed in water,
cassava taste steamed of pandan cake
materials necessary
3 eggs
200 grams of granulated sugar
vanilla 1/2 tsp
TBM / SP 1/2 tsp
2, 25 cups grated cassava star fruit juice that has been in the water to dry.
eat oil / margarine 50 ml
of pandan coconut milk mixed 1/2 cups of star fruit
2 tablespoons of milk powder
how to make it
eggs + sugar + vanilla + SP in shake until flower
after the cassava flowers that have been put on the squeezegradually add milk, coconut milk, margarine / oil mix after tu enter into a baking dish which has been in ... basting with butter, and steam for about 1/2 hours
If not using coconut of pandan unnecessary wear, just be replaced with 1/2 cup cooking oil starfruit.
good luck .... :-)
notebook: before entering the batter to make sure the water in the steamer steamer to a rolling boil
hmmmmmmmmmmm....... in indonesian & in english
steamed cassava cakes
sponge steamed of pandan flavor this time, but the material is not from wheat flour instead of sweet wood that has been grated and squeezed in water,
cassava taste steamed of pandan cake
materials necessary
3 eggs
200 grams of granulated sugar
vanilla 1/2 tsp
TBM / SP 1/2 tsp
2, 25 cups grated cassava star fruit juice that has been in the water to dry.
eat oil / margarine 50 ml
of pandan coconut milk mixed 1/2 cups of star fruit
2 tablespoons of milk powder
how to make it
eggs + sugar + vanilla + SP in shake until flower
after the cassava flowers that have been put on the squeezegradually add milk, coconut milk, margarine / oil mix after tu enter into a baking dish which has been in ... basting with butter, and steam for about 1/2 hours
If not using coconut of pandan unnecessary wear, just be replaced with 1/2 cup cooking oil starfruit.
good luck .... :-)
notebook: before entering the batter to make sure the water in the steamer steamer to a rolling boil
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